a dream project

I have been collecting brief descriptions of recent actual dreams, all of which are included here. I am not interested in analyzing them, but simply curious about the experiences we have while our minds and bodies are at rest.

In the process of collecting these dream stories, I was inspired to make A Thousand Threads, a limited edition, screen-printed book. It contains short, meditative poems I wrote by interweaving the dream fragments of others with my own dream imagery.

This project was part of The Spaces in Between, a solo exhibition curated by Susanna Meiers, February 14 – March 11, 2011, at the El Camino College Art Gallery in Torrance, CA.

To see all of the book pages or contribute a dream story, please go to www.betsylohrerhall.com. Thanks!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Margie Darrow - Animals Larger Than Normal

I traveled with my old friend Tig to her “job.”  She was on team that did research on a natural preserve which was located on an island in the Caribbean, but it looked more like Northern California.  It was this beautiful point and ocean cove where waves crashed up against rocks.   The cove was cliffs surrounded by this green grassy knoll up on a hill. Tig had to inform all her co-workers that they had lost funding and the research was going to be disbanded, so we were meeting with her co-workers to tell them. The office was located in a white colonial building on the grassy knoll.

After that, we sat on a bench overlooking the cove and watched the abundance of wildlife, which was EXTREME. It was almost prehistoric.  The animals were larger than normal. As I looked at the water in the cove I could see fins of huge sharks and sea life, and huge birds flying across the cove and landing on the rocks. Animals would jump out of the water. There was all this activity. It was fascinating.

Meanwhile, as we sat on the hill, some people appeared with a few life-size beeswax animal sculptures (like the ones from the machine at the zoo), but they smelled good so I knew it was beeswax. I remember a blue giraffe.

Then a woman came by walking the most beautiful specimen I had ever seen of hippo. It was shiny and pale coral and brown.

Margie Darrow
Long Beach, California- in my bedroom
October 1, 2010

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