a dream project

I have been collecting brief descriptions of recent actual dreams, all of which are included here. I am not interested in analyzing them, but simply curious about the experiences we have while our minds and bodies are at rest.

In the process of collecting these dream stories, I was inspired to make A Thousand Threads, a limited edition, screen-printed book. It contains short, meditative poems I wrote by interweaving the dream fragments of others with my own dream imagery.

This project was part of The Spaces in Between, a solo exhibition curated by Susanna Meiers, February 14 – March 11, 2011, at the El Camino College Art Gallery in Torrance, CA.

To see all of the book pages or contribute a dream story, please go to www.betsylohrerhall.com. Thanks!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anonymous - Newly Discovered Rooms

I regularly dream of large, run-down houses with rambling interiors. In the dream I’m often discovering a forgotten room or rooms which have been unused and neglected. I always have a need for the space in these newly discovered rooms, but am faced with a cleaning/clearing/rearranging job before I can use it. Interestingly, the houses are usually period properties – Victorian, Edwardian, and recently a 1950’s sort of place. They’re always very different places from anywhere I’ve ever lived – furnished as though there has been considerable wealth, but now are very shabby and worn. The detail I see as I survey these dream places is often phenomenal and I wake up thinking how could I possibly have had that kind of highly specific detail in my head, as I often see things that I have no memory of ever seeing in my life, but which seem totally compatible with the period. Sometimes I’m aware that I’m dreaming and have a degree of conscious control of the dream.  (It seems like that to me, anyway.) When this happens I get rather excited in the dream and will often move in and out of rooms quite quickly to take in as much of their fantastical detail as possible. This awareness never lasts long, though, because I always try to assume too much control of the dream and it brings me out of the dream state -- always such a bummer!!


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